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Quick Hack To Fix If Your Banana Bread Remains Softened In The Bottom.

Quick Hack To Fix If Your Banana Bread Remains Softened In The Bottom.

Fix it: quick hack to fix if your banana bread remains softened in the bottom.

When you are making banana bread make sure you take extra care with the quantity of your liquid mixture. The ratio of wet and dry ingredients is the key in its recipe. The excess liquid batter may result in soft and uncooked bread from the bottom.
Here is a hack other than turning off the top heat rod and shifting your pan to the bottom rack closer to the lower hot rod.
You might have read a lot about fixing your banana bread, here are my two cents about it. This is a quick hack I have personally tried and tested and does the magic every time.
Simply flip your banana bread carefully using the flat plate method. Place it into the same container such that the uncooked part is on the top. Now cook it in the oven for some time. Take it out once you feel the sides are completely done.
Shove it in the microwave oven for 1-2 mins depending upon the state of your bread.
Voila, your banana bread is all done. And ready to serve once cool down.



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source: misid

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Muhammad Salman rasheed
Muhammad Salman rasheed
3 years ago

Great hack. My wife used it and it worked like a magic. Thanks !!
