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Importance of Personal Hygiene; Top 10 Principle of Personal Hygiene For Everyone

Importance of Personal Hygiene; Top 10 Principle of Personal Hygiene For Everyone

Benefits of Personal Hygiene

In recent times, we are living in a crises era. Where every day, we face a new pandemic, sever to his old versions. Novel Corona Virus is the best example. Every pandemic hit us hard and have a direct link to our body and health.

We know that our body is the link with the outer world every day. Every touch we made to feel, smell something or breathing in affected air, live in a toxic environment such things makes us vulnerable to the everyday threats of Bactria, dangers viruses.

Personal hygiene is the answer to avoid such threats and remains safe and sound in such an environment. In our childhood, the first thing we taught by the parents and our teachers is how to take care of ourselves. However, as we grow up, we become lazy, and we do not adequately take care of ourselves.

Let revise these basic and simple rules to be healthy. Besides, these rules are the need of today time.

Personal hygiene is known as the principle of maintaining the cleanness of the body parts regularly.

♦ Wash your Hands

The hand is the main factor behind transferring the Bactria because we use them often to deal with the everyday situation of life. Before eating, visiting the toilet and touching unclean objects, wash your hands using clean water and soap. We can get rid of germs by adequately washing our hands.

♦ Take a Bath

Make a habit of taking a bath or shower daily to clean every part of the body. Choose to take a bath in the morning or before going to bed, whenever you feel easy.

Take a Bath

♦ Brush the Teeth

White and balance teeth are the key point of eating food. Brush your teeth, not twice but thrice a day, in the morning, then in the afternoon and in before going to bed. This practice cleans our mouth as well.

Brush your teeth

♦ Brush the Hair

Hair is the blessing of Allah SWT, intensify the beauty and the essential marks of a man, so do respect the hairs wash them regularly. Brush your hair using a clean comb, and do not share your comb with others.

Comb your hair

♦ Care of Nose

It is the smell, which helps us enjoy the excellent environment around us and the main organ for the scent is the nose. Therefore, always keep your nose clean. Please do not put the finger or any other objects in it; wipe it using the soft cotton cloth.

care your nose

♦ Care of Ears

If you want to listen smoothly and still want to enjoy the music, then take care of your ear correctly. Keep the ears clean. Do not enter any foreign objects like keys, fingers and hairpins, damaging the air canal or air drum. Clean your ears gently while taking a bath.

care your ears

♦ Care of eyes

All colour around us because of the eyes, if you still want to enjoy the rainbow, clean your eyes gently with the clod water. Do not look sun directly and never read or right in dim light. Make a proper distance from electronic devices, especially from the mobile, laptop and TV.

♦ Care of Feet

Are you walking around, running, doing the daily task from places to places without any hurdles, then say thanks to your feet and take good care of your feet. Wash them daily and wear proper shoes according to the situation and weather.

care your feet

♦ Care of Nails

Nails enhance girls’ beauty, but they hold the germs inside them, so trim them weekly. Clean and short nails look more beautiful.

care your Nail

♦ Wear Clean Clothes

Cloths are the first introduction for us to others. So always, wear the clean, dry, neat, tidy and seasonal dress.

Kids wear

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