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Best and Top 6 Methods To Kill The Mosquitoes; Stay Healthy

Best and Top 6 Methods To Kill The Mosquitoes; Stay Healthy

Spray the Insects Killer Medicine

  The best hideout or places where mosquitoes are hidden are behind the curtains, Cabinets, under the sofas, House corners, Washrooms, and Kitchens. Therefore, spray insect’s killer medicine in these places in a home regularly. The best time to spread the spray is before the one hour of sunset. 

After the spray of this medicine, the room must be closed for two hours. So that mosquitoes are killed, and humans can be safe from these medicines’ side effects. Make sure to spray all over these places at least one time a week. 

Insect Killer spray


♦ Use of Incest’s killer Fogging

Insects killer fogging and spray sprinkle regularly in Public places like playgrounds, gardens, streets, roads, railway stations, bus stands, Airports, offices, colleges, universities, and cinema houses. It is the duty of the government or local authorities of any place.

However, if they do not fulfill their obligations, the public should gather and do it themselves. By doing this, we can rest sure that the safety measures are maintained.


♦ Proper Drainage System

Dry up stood water within no time at any place like Homes, Roads, Bazars, Grounds, and from the Gardens. A proper drainage system should be present in the area.

Derange System

♦ Cleanliness

As Muslims and Pakistanis, we should keep our areas clean and green. Cleanliness is half of faith. Do not through spray bottles, rubbish, and old tires, inside and outside of House. Dump them properly so that the mosquito could not be born at these places.


♦ Use of Larva killer Medicine and spray Kerosene Oil

In water pools, ponds, and muddy areas, and lakes, spray the larva killer medicine and kerosene oil on the water’s surface so that kerosene oil kills the mosquito’s larvae.

kill Larvae

♦ Use of Electrical Mosquito Killer

At night use the electrical mosquito killer machine in houses and shops as well because these machines are effective against mosquitoes.

electric killer

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Source: misid
