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Top 10 Safety Precautions Against Mosquitoes, Especially Malaria & Dengue

Top 10 Safety Precautions Against Mosquitoes, Especially Malaria & Dengue

Mosquitoes are the number one killer of humankind, and yearly it kills more people than any war or pandemic. They are more dangerous than any other thing in history. Over time, they are in evolution and come with more killer viruses and different kinds of spices.

Malaria and dengue are the top diseases that are spread by mosquitos. The microorganisms called “Plasmodium” cause malaria. It happens due to the bite of the Anopheles Mosquito. Moreover, Dengue Fever is caused by a particular type of viruses, which is entering the human body from the bite of “Aedes mosquito.” 

In Pakistan and adjacent areas, this weather is favorable for the production and starting seasons of mosquitos. So, Be careful of your health and be extra alert. Especially take care of the children.

  1. When you go outside, apply mosquito repellant lotions on the naked body’s part.Apply body Lotion
  2. Sleep inside the mosquito net.Sleep Inside The Net
  3. Wear a dress which covers all your body parts.Complete Body Dress
  4. Put iron net on gates and windows. Close the gats and windows at dawn and dusk.Iron Net
  5. If anybody in the family feels the symptoms of Dengue fever, contact your doctor immediately.Contact Your Doctor
  6. On-time and with proper care, we can control dengue and Malaria fever.Care The Patient
  7. Keep clean home and streets. Dump out any water resources within and outside the house.         
  8. Keep cover the drums, water tanks, and animal’s water places because “Aedes Mosquito” lays down eggs in clear and standing water, and “Anopheles Mosquito” uses dirty water.Cover Everything
  9. Remove the water daily from the fountains and flowerpots.Remove Water
  10. Frequently use the mosquito killer spray, quails, and mats.

Killer Mosquito

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Source: misid
